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Heart Chakra -  Middle of Chest Location

Location - Heart, middle of the chest

Importance - Unites the upper (spiritual) and the lower (material) chakras, unconditional love and healing

Sanskrit Name - Anahata (Translation - "Unhurt, unbeaten")

Chakra Activation

To keep this chakra healthy, exercises such as swimming, push-ups, dancing, breathing exercises are beneficial.  Crystal - Rose Quartz, Malachite, Amazonite

Woman on Window Sill
Chakra Blocked

A blocked heart chakra manifests when people often put others first, to their own detriment, lack of empathy or compassion, anger, jearlousy and fear of betrayal.​​ It can make us feel lonely, insecure and isolated.  It can manifest physically as heart problems, asthma, and weight issues.

Chakra Message

I love!

Chant "YAM"

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