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Solar Plexus Chakra -  Upper Abdomen

Location - Upper Abdomen, just below belly button
Importance - Seat  of personal power, gut instinct (inner knowing) and manifestation, regulates our life force
Sanskrit Name - Manipura (translates to "city of jewels or lustrous gem")

Wedding Guests Dancing
Chakra Activation

To keep this chakra healthy, get some sunshine, try the warrior pose in yoga.

Crystal - Citrine, Tiger's eye, yellow tourmaline

In-Store Korean Food Sampling
Chakra Blocked

Solar Plexus Chakra blocks, can manifest emotionally as excessive control, manipulative and intruvsive, feelings of powerlessness or victimization or a low self esteem.  Physical manifestations include digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, and indigestion

Rock Climber
Chakra Affirmations and Chant

I can!

Chant "RAM"

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