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Third Eye Chakra -  Centre of the forehead  behind the eyebrows

Location - Between the eyes, one inch behind and oe inch above the eyebrows in the forehead centre
Importance - Intuition and Lucidity
Sanskrit Name - Ajna (translates to "beyond wisdom")

Colorful Crystal
Chakra Activation

Try something new, new ideas, new possibilities, and new ways of looking at the world.

Crystals - Aquamarine, Amethust, Clear Quartz

Woman on Window Sill
Chakra Blocked

Third Eye Chakra blocks, can manifest in lack of faith in life purpose, indecisiveness, paranoia.  It can result in physical manifestations such as headaches, eye discomfort, back and leg pain, and sinus pain

Chakra Affirmations and Chant

I see!

Chant "OM"

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