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Throat Chakra -  Centre of the Throat 

Location - Upper Abdomen, just below belly button
Importance - Sepak your truth with clarity
Sanskrit Name - Vishuddha (translates to "especially pure")

Wedding Guests Dancing
Chakra Activation

To keep this chakra healthy, try singing, journalling and letting go of which you have no control are beneficial. Practice speaking your truth  / expressing your emotions when your alone.

 Crystals - Acquamarine and Sodalite

Shy Child
Chakra Blocked

Throast Chakra blocks, can manifest in feeling ignore or invalidated when you express yourself. Overactive chakras manifest in interrupting others, those who love to hear themseves talk. Physical symptoms can include throat pain, frequent infections, cavvities or mouth ulcers.

Enjoying Nature
Chakra Affirmations and Chant

I speak!

Chant "HAM"

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