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Note - Raise your vibration through Meditation / Law of Attraction

Football Helmet



Since everything is connected its important to learn strategies to protect yourself from negative energy, especially if your more sensitive than most.

Water Ripple



All of the science experiements in the video are real.  Watch behind the scenes and see how it was made.



Violet Stars




Astrophysical researcher, Fortune 500 consultant to corporate executives developing new hardware/software, he delves into human development issues.




All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. Resonance is a type of motion, characterized by oscillation between two states. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. When we hear something, we are sensing the vibrations in the air. The number of vibrations per second is known as the frequency, measured in Hertz (1 Hz = 1 vibration per second)



The speed of electrical oscillations in the brain regions alter our states. Beta 14-21 cycles per second is our waking state; Alpha 7-14; Theta 4 - 7; Delta 0.5-4.

Scalar energy is the underlying energy of the universe, and comes from the "Zero-Point Energy Field" coined by Albert Einstein. Quantum physicists believe that the zero-point field is essentially an entropic (changing from order to chaos) mass of scalar energy vibrating through an infinite number of possible frequencies until that energy is observed or is the subject of consciousness, where that energy becomes organised and transforms into matter.


The original discovery of scalar energy dates back to the 19th century where mathematical genius, James Clark Maxwell developed quantum physics. Albert Einstein continued this work and discovered “The Theory of Relativity”. Many years after that, Nikola Tesla demonstrated the existence of this energy.



The human body is made up of literally nothing more than vibrating energy. Humans are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and those so-called particles are actually just vibrating energy. Every atom is just a probability wave, and most of physical matter is really made up of completely empty space. We are more empty space than physical stuff; more vibration than mass. Thus, we can be strongly impacted -- either positively or negatively -- by vibrational energy like the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Earth itself hums at a specific frequency, well below the audible detection range of human beings, called the Schumann frequency or Schumann resonance sustained by energy created by approx. 2000 thunerstorms and 50 flashes of lightning.



  • Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy, was one of the greatest geniuses of all time and one of the world's most gifted inventors. He developed ideas and technologies which were far ahead of his time.
  • The Schumann Resonance phenomenon was proposed by German physicist Dr W.O. Schumann, Schumann (1952). The existence of the signals was confirmed by measurements in the mid-1950's.



Check out Tom Chi's video - Everything is Connected
Cymatic Experiments





Protect your Energy


Strategies to Protect your Energy 


There is a field of energy that surrounds all matter; living and nonliving. The energy surrounding the human body is often referred to as the “human energy field” or aura. When we refer to energetic boundaries, we’re referring to our own energy field remaining free from “picking up” on other people’s subtle energy and having an effect on us.

For example, when we say someone is giving us the cold stare,  they’re using their intention to project their anger towards us, through their eyes.  There are several books  that go more in depth describing the human energy field fr example; Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, but here are a few strategies to protect your energy;


  1. Be Solution focussed 
    Negativity is evidenced through complaining, finding fault, and dissatisfaction. Instead focus on creating solutions, look at strengths you can build on or simple steps to build momentum.


  2. Avoid the drama.
    Stay positive and upbeat and refuse the bait, no matter how tempting. Work to keep things on time, calm, flexible, and even keeled. When you do, you give them nothing to work with.


  3. Boundary Setting
    Create and keep your boundaries from anyone who wants to break you down, even if they’re a family member or someone who thinks of themselves as a friend but how?


    • Stop and disengage - simply take a deep breath and say anything that helps bring you into present time in your own body or if you can above your own body to separate from whatever it is that’s happening.
      Like "I am the observer of this situation (separate yourself from being "in" the situation) and I choose a better outcome (you may observe someone sending your dense negative energy, so you just ignore it or brush it away".  Whilst the worlds maybe hurtful, you only give power to them if you accept it. Visualise it leaving by sending it away.  I
      nvoke love and compassion for yourself and the other people, to make the transition back into your own truth easier and without blame.

    • Boundary setting, like anything else, gets easier with practice, and some situations willbe easier to do than others, but they are all steps in the right direction, so commend yourself on your progress.

  4. Stop trying to fix everyone and everything.
    If you find yourself doing for others things that they could and should be doing for themselves, we can unintentionally produce negative energy by carrying people when they know how to walk, or we try to fix people when they weren’t broken to begin with. Learn when to stay clear.


  5. Respond thoughtfully, but don’t react.
    A response flows from mental clarity and emotional strength and is chosen to produce a desired outcome; while a reaction is an uncontrollable reflex that flows from fear-based survival impulses. Learn to respond thoughtfully in the face of negative energy.

  6. Take care of yourself.
    You can’t care for others if you don't take care of yourself (remember the oxygen mask when flying - put your own mask on first before you help others). It is not selfish its self love, and 
    helps keep you grounded and strong.


Protect your energies, so your energies can protect you.

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